Nobody Wants FREE GOLD Tickets

Still 19 tickets left after 2 weeks

2 weeks ago, I saw the Facebook advertisement about 4 guys wanted to share The World's Greater Financial Strategies. Only 19 GOLD tickets left at that point of time. See it here -> GOLD Tickets for FREE!

Sadly, 2 weeks since then, and less than 8 hours before the seminar, none of the 19 GOLD tickets was grabbed, even though they are offered for FREE. 

Hmmm... .

Maybe their webmaster has been on sick leave, and no one knows how to update the website. 
Maybe they are so generous and has been busy adding seats immediately after receiving new registration, in order to share their strategies with more people. Seats are filling up fast and seats are refilled fast enough too! 


Maybe they thought people seeing the ads are all so naive. 
Maybe they never bother about this. As long as there are still people continue to register for the event. Why so serious about updating the numbers. 


Maybe they do not know the importance of telling people what's fact and what's fiction. 
Maybe they know the importance of differentiating facts and fictions and therefore the importance on how to make a fact sounds fictitious and how to make a fiction sounds factual, but do not know how to execute it. 

They should learn from this guy instead. Just put a small "updated weekly" and then no one can challenge why always 40 people registered. Simple as that. 

I wonder why they seem so rich yet so stingy and not willing to spend a few bucks to hiring a programmer to produce a simple script that auto increase or reduce the number after random period. 

Maybe they are not as rich yet, as that website is really rich enough to advertise on TV during prime time. 

Maybe they are not as smart yet, and didn't know this can be done. 

Maybe they thought people are not as smart yet. 

Come.. come... GOLD tickets for FREE!
GOLD ticket holders got GOLD seats but must take photo with them and must put on a smiley face while taking photo.  :)


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